Amavashya is considered auspicious day for the worship of Dev pooja and pitru(forefathers), pitray,pooja work are made in every month.All Amavasya days are appropriate to perform Shraddha rituals to appease ancestors.
However, no travel ought to be scheduled on the amavashy. Religious people are supposed to not work and concentrate on the rites function on Amavasyas. Even today traditional workers like masons do not work on Amavasyas in India. However they will work on Saturdays and Sundays. Amavasya was traditionally monthly off day. The Amavasya function is usually done in the afternoon at home (hence travel and daily work are Amavashya day1postponed). Even High Court judges of 18th century in India used to observe Amavasya as off day. It was the British Rule that brought Sunday off principle to Indian industry.On Amavasyas Shraadh is done to forefathers by Brahmins whose father has died earlier. On the amavashya Brahmin offering black sesame and water as oblation to departed souls. This oblation is offered to father and father 3 levels. If one of these persons are still alive, their name is skipped and the corresponding earlier generation person is offered oblation. Then a final oblation is offered to those anonymous souls which died and have nobody in their lineage offering oblation. These oblations are believed to give birth to good children without mental or physical challenges . we should pray and pooja with offering of food of our pitra dev on every Amavashya for peace of mind and life.According to Hindu ritual we devide in many types of Amavashya like Somvati Amavashy(Which amavashya falls on Monday called Somvati Amavashya), Shanishchary Amavashya (Which Amavashya falls on Saturday called Shanishchary Amavashya), Mauni Amavashya (On that day Sant, Sadhu, and some people are not speak a single word) etc.Amavashya is also called no Moon night.