Mahavir Jayanti
Mahavir Jayanti is specially celebrated every year by the people of Jain religion and other religious people as well to commemorate the (also known as Vardhamana). Mahavir was born on Chaitra shukla paksh trayodashi during the 540 BCE. at the Kundalagrama, Vaishali district, Bihar. It is the most significant and ritual celebration for the people in Jainism. It has been declared as the gazetted holiday all over India when all the government offices and educational institutions become closed. Mahavir was the 24th and last Tirthankara of the Jainism who had founded the Jainism as well as established the core principles of the Jainism. So we celebrate their birth anniversary or Jayanti every year in India and all over world. In Jainism community .
Mahavir Jayanti is also celebrated in Jainism by the name Mahavir Janma Kalyanak to celebrate the birth of their last Tirthankara. According to the calendar it falls annually in the month of March or April. It is celebrated with much fervor at all the Jain temples all over the country. All the holy places and temples associated with the Mahavir are decorated with the flowers, flags and etc to celebrate this special occasion. At this day, the Mahavir idol is given a ritual bath before celebration and puja following a big and grand procession.
There is a tradition of distributing clothes, money, food and other necessary things to the poor people. Such facilities are organized by the Jain organizations. Big celebration events are organized at some grand Jain shrines including Girnar and Palitana, Gujarat; Sri Mahavirji, Rajasthan; Parasnath Temple, Kolkata and Pawapuri, Bihar. It is locally celebrated by the people by giving a ceremonial bath (abhisheka) to the idol of Mahabir. At this day, people of Jain religion get involved in the charitable act. People go to the Jain temples to meditate and offer prayers. Some great people give lectures in the temple to distribute the virtues of Jain doctrine.
Mahavir, a 24th and last Tirthankara of the Jainism, was born in 540 BCE in a royal family and his father’s name is King Siddhartha and mother’s name is queen Trishala in Bihar, India. At the time of his birth the whole people was happy and became full of prosperity and many good symbol were appeared . During the time of his birth his mother got a number of auspicious dreams about him that he would become an emperor or Tirthankara. After his birth he received the ritual bath with celestial milk by the God Indra denoting him a Tirthankara.
He left home at his 30 in the search for spiritual awakening and deeply meditated for 12 and a half years through which he became successful in achieving the Kevala Jnana means enlightenment. He started travelling all through the India and travelled continuously for 30 years to teach people the philosophy of satya, asteya, ahimsa, brahmacharya and aparigraha. After his death at 72, he attained nirvana and became one of the great Tirthankara of the Jainism for which he is considered as the founder of the Jainism.
- ज्योतिष परिचय
- जन्म कुंडली
- राशियाँ
- मित्र राशि व् शत्रु राशि
- भाव अथवा ग्रह स्थान
- ग्रह व् उनके प्रकार
- ग्रह अवस्था
- ग्रह एवं उनका प्रभाव
- शुभ एवं अशुभ ग्रह
- ग्रहों की स्थिति
- केन्द्रेश-त्रिकोनेश योगफल
- नक्षत्र एवं उनके प्रकार
- नक्षत्र एवं उनके प्रकार-1
- नक्षत्र व् नक्षत्र फल
- ग्रह दशा एवं उनके प्रकार
- मांगलिक दोष व् उपाय
- शनि साढ़ेसाती व् उपाय
- कालसर्प दोष व् उपाय
- गंडांत/खराब समय समय
- पंचांग एवं उसके घटक - 1
- पंचांग एवं उसके घटक - 2
- पंचांग एवं उसके घटक - 3
- ग्रह रत्न एवं उसके फायदे
- ग्रह मंत्र एवं दान की वस्तुएं
- शुभ मुहूर्त देखना
- वास्तुशास्त्र की ब्याख्या
- वास्तु शिल्पशास्त्र
- वास्तुदेव की विशेषताएँ
- दिशाएँ एवं क्षेत्र
- शिलान्यास का शुभसमय
- भूखंड का चयन करना
- पूजा कक्ष / प्रार्थना कक्ष
- शयन कक्ष (बैड रूम )
- बैठक कक्ष / ड्राइंगरूम
- भोजन कक्ष(डाइनिंग रूम )
- भंडारण कक्ष ( स्टोरेज रूम )
- रसोई (किचिन )
- स्नानागार या स्नान कक्ष
- भूमिगत जल भंडारण
- ओवर हैड टैंक)
- अन्य कमरों का स्थान
- तहखाना / तलघर (बेसमेंट )
- सीढियां या झीना
- भूखंड में पौधों का स्थान
- नवग्रहों का स्थान/प्रभाव
- भवन में द्वार का स्थान
- मकान में द्वारों की संख्या
- शहतीर/स्तम्भ व द्वार वेध
- वास्तु शास्त्र के नियम
- एपार्टमेंट में वास्तु के नियम
- पिरामिड का वास्तु में महत्व
- दुकान/आफिस हेतु वास्तु-1
- दुकान/आफिस हेतु वास्तु-2
- दुकान/आफिस हेतु वास्तु-3
- भवन की सजावट हेतु वास्तु-1
- भवन की सजावट हेतु वास्त-2
- सिनेमा हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- होटल हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- नर्सिंग होम हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- रेस्टोरेन्ट हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- फैक्टरी हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- फैक्टरी हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- पद्दतियाँ अथवा टेबल
- राशि,की टेबल
- जन्मांक,मूलांक,भाग्यांक
- अंक – 1 (एक)
- अंक – 2 (दो)
- अंक – 3 (तीन)
- अंक – 4 (चार)
- अंक – 5 (पांच)
- अंक – 6 (छः)
- अंक –7 (सात)
- अंक – 8 (आठ)
- अंक – 9 (नौ)
- शैलपुत्री
- ब्रह्मचारिणी
- चंद्रघंटा
- कुष्मांडा
- स्कंदमाता
- कात्यायनी
- कालरात्रि
- महागौरी
- सिद्धिदात्री
- गणेशजी की आरती
- शिवजी की आरती
- हनुमान जी की आरती
- श्री कृष्ण जी की आरती
- श्री राम जी की आरती
- सत्यनारायण जी की आरती
- दुर्गा जी की आरती
- लक्ष्मी जी की आरती
- सरस्वती जी की आरती
- अम्बे जी की आरती
- खाटू श्याम जी की आरती
- रामायण जी की आरती
- श्री वैष्णो देवी जी की आरती
- सूर्य देव जी की आरती
- श्री गंगा माता जी की आरती
- भैरव जी की आरती
- श्री रामजी की आरती
- संतोषी माता जी की आरती
- प्रेतराज जी की आरती
- तुलसी माता जी की आरती
- महाकाली माँ की आरती
- श्री विष्णु देव जी की आरती
- श्री शनि देव जी की आरती
- शीतला माता जी की आरती
- श्रीमद भागवत पुराण की आरती
- गुरु गोरखनाथ जी की आरती
- श्री परशुराम जी की आरती
- श्री गिरिराज जी की आरती
- श्री पितृदेव जी की आरती
- श्री रामदेव जी की आरती
- मूलाधार चक्र
- स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र
- मणिपुर चक्र
- अनाहत चक्र
- विशुद्ध चक्र
- आज्ञा चक्र
- सहस्त्रार चक्र
- कुण्डलिनी शक्ति जाग्रत करने के लाभ
ज्योतिष शास्त्र
वास्तु शास्त्र
अंक शास्त्र
देवियाँ (नवदुर्गा)
कुण्डलिनी शक्ति
- Zodiac
- Signs
- Planets/Grahas
- House/Bhava/Place
- Gender
- Nakshatra
- Nature and effects of Nakshatra
- Nature and effects of Nakshatra-2
- Nature and effects of Nakshatra-3
- Lagna/Ascendant
- Nature and Effects of Lagna
- Resultant and Relationship in Planets
- Definition and types of Houses
- The effect of planets in the twelve houses
- The effect of planets in the twelve houses-2
- The effect of planets in the twelve houses-3
- Importance of House position
- Dasha/Period
- How to pridict using dashas
- General principles
- Key Planets
- Vargas
- Ashtakavarga
- Sudarshan Chakra
- Combination of Dashas and Transits
- Argala
- Healing power of Gem Stones
- Introduction of Panchang
- Soil And Land
- The Position of Plot/Land
- Roads and out side of building /house
- Direction of the plot
- Trees and plants
- The Basic and important point for house
- Roof, Balconies and Verandahas
- Over head water tank
- Worship/Pooja Room/Tample
- Store room
- Parking
- Open space
- Basement
- Kitchen
- Underground water tank
- Entrance Gate
- Guest room
- Living Room
- Bedroom
- Computor room
- Safe Room
- Dinning Room
- Bathroom or Toilet
- Study Room
- Stairways
- Generator room
- Upper Floor Height
- Vastu and astrology & position of rooms
- Important Vastu Rules
- Importance of main Gate
- Effect of colours in house
- Interior colour scheme in our House
- Importance of Pyramid in Vastu
- Number and their Properties
- Birth and Destiny Number
- Number-One(1)
- Number-Two(2)
- Number-Three(3)
- Number-Four(4)
- Number-Five(5)
- Number-Six(6)
- Number-Seven(7)
- Number-Eight(8)
- Number-Nine(9)
- Shailputri devi
- Brahmacharini devi
- Chandraganta devi
- Kushmanda devi
- Skandamata devi
- Katyayani devi
- Kaalratri devi
- Mahagauri devi
- Siddhidatri devi
- Kundalini Shakti
- Kundalini Shakti
- Mooladhar Chakra
- Swadhisthan Chakra
- Manipur Chakra
- Anahat Chakra
- Vishuddha Chakra
- Aggya Chakra
- Sahastrara Chakra
- Body Organs to Activate
Kundalini Shakti - Precautions for Yogi
- Yoga to Awakening of
Kundalini Shakti - Yoga sutras to achieve
self–realization - Ashans and Mudras
- Padamashan and Sukhashan
- Sarvang Aashan
- Hal Aashan
- Matsya Aashan
- Paschimottan Aashan
- Ardh Matsyendra Aashan
- Vajra Aashan
- Bhujang Aashan
- Dhanur Aashan
- Merudand Aashan
- Shav aashan
- Jalneti kriya
- Mudras and Bandhas
- Useful Instructions
for Pranayam - Bandhas in Pranayam
- Pranayama for awakening
of Kundalini - Nadi-Suddhi Pranayam
- Surya Namaskaras
- Kundalini shakti blessing
us Eight Major Siddhis - Comfortable Pranayam
- The Pranic Healing
Pranayama(Reiki) - Distant pranic
Healing(Reiki) - General Benefits
of Pranayama - Bhastrika Pranayama
- Ujjayi Pranayama and
Plavini Pranayama - Suryabhedi Pranayama &
Jalandhara Bandha - Khechari Mudra
- Shakti Chalana Mudra
and Jyoti Mudra - Useful Exercises
for health - Some Sub-Pranas Are
Working In Our
Living Body - Maha Mudra &
Maha Bandha - Purifiction of physical
Body, Nadi, Mind
& intellects - The Minor Siddhi or Riddhi
Navdurga devi
Kundalini Shakti