Diwali (Deepawali)
Diwali festival celebrated on Kartik krishna paksh Amavashya according to hindu calendar panchang and english calendar its fall in October or November month .Diwali is one of the biggest festival of Hindus, celebrated with great enthusiasm and happiness in India. The festival is celebrated for five continuous days, where The first day of Diwali is called Dhanwantari Triodasi or called Dhan Theras. On this day houses and business premises are renovated and decorated. Entrances are made colorful with lovely traditional motifs of Rangoli designs to welcome Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. To indicate her long-awaited arrival, small footprints are drawn with rice flour and vermilion powder all over the houses. Lamps are kept burning all through the night. Believing this day to be auspicious women purchase some gold or silver or at least one or two new utensils.
The second day of Diwali is called Narak Chaturdasi and the eve of Diwali. On this day Lord Krishna destroyed the demon Narakasur and made the world free from fear.
The third days is celebrated as the main Diwali festival or ‘Festival of lights’.On this day According to Hindu Mythology Lord Rama was a great warrior King who was exiled by his father Dashratha, the King of Ayodhya, along with his wife Sita and his younger brother Lakshman, on his wife’s insistence. Lord Rama returned to his Kingdom Ayodhya after 14 years of exile, in which he put an end to the demon Ravana of Lanka, who was a great Pandit, highly learned but still evil dominated his mind. After this victory of Good over Evil, Rama returned to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, the people welcomed them by lighting rows of clay lamps. So, it is an occasion in honor of Rama’s victory over Ravana; of Truth’s victory over Evil. So we celebrate Diwali in honour or Lord Ram and Sita with Laxman returned from exiled. Different colorful varieties of fireworks are always associated with this festival. On this auspicious day, people light up diyas or deepak and candles all around their house. They perform Laxmi Puja in the evening and seek divine blessings of Goddess of Wealth. People present diwali gifts to all their friends and relatives. Deepavali is a festival where people from all age groups participate. They give expression to their happiness by lighting earthen ‘diyas’ (lamps), decorating the houses, bursting firecrackers and inviting near and dear ones to their households for partaking in a sumptuous feast. The lighting of lamps is a way of paying obeisance to god for attainment of health, wealth, knowledge, peace, valor and fame.Hindu people immerse themselves in illumination of Diwali, as this is the favorite festival of everyone. Ladies passionately are conscious about cleaning, decorating and beautifying their homes with wonderful mesmerizing colorful Rangolis. They cook sumptuous and delicious meals , various varieties of blessed food. All members of family amalgamate near the shrine at home and perform Puja for delighting God Ganesh and Goddess Laxmi. They devotionally pray to God for continuing to bless health, wealth, happiness, and prosperity on their families. Children ecstatically celebrate Diwali with vivid firecrackers. Elders get awesome chance to meet their near dear people. During this remarkable day, each one wants to share blissful messages, likes to exchange gifts, greeting cards, and sweets. And other abundant rituals are performed during this heart-touching day. The given links wonderfully explains about the Hindu’s big and main festival Diwali. Reading the given information you’ll be happy to get amazing messages which are sent during this wonderful day of Diwali.
On the fourth day of Diwali, Goverdhan Pooja is performed.On this day many years ago in the Gokul village the people prayed to the God Indra. They believed that Indra sent the rains, which made their crops, grow. But Krishna came along and persuaded the people to worship the mountain Govardhan, because the mountain and the land around it were fertile. This did not please Indra. He sent thunder and torrential rain down on the village. The people cried to Krishna to help. Krishna saved the villagers by lifting the top of the mountain with his finger. The offering of food to God on this day of Diwali is a reminder to Hindus of the importance of food and it is a time for being thankful to God for the bounty of nature. Govardhan-Puja is also performed in the North on the fourth day. This day is also observed as Annakoot meaning ‘mountain of food’. In temples especially in Mathura and Nathadwara, the deities are given milk bath and dressed in shining attires with ornaments of dazzling diamonds, pearls, rubies and other precious stones. After the prayers and traditional worship innumerable varieties of delicious sweets are offered to the deities as “Bhog” and then the devotees approach and take Prasad.
The fifth day of the diwali is called Bhai Dooj. It is a day dedicated to sisters.The day ritually emphasizes the love and lifelong bond between sibblings. It is a day when women and girls get together, perform a puja with prayers for the well being of their brothers, then return to a ritual of food-sharing, gift-giving and conversations. In historic times, this was a day in autumn when brothers would travel to meet their sisters, or bring over their sister’s family to their village homes to celebrate their sister-brother bond with each other.
- ज्योतिष परिचय
- जन्म कुंडली
- राशियाँ
- मित्र राशि व् शत्रु राशि
- भाव अथवा ग्रह स्थान
- ग्रह व् उनके प्रकार
- ग्रह अवस्था
- ग्रह एवं उनका प्रभाव
- शुभ एवं अशुभ ग्रह
- ग्रहों की स्थिति
- केन्द्रेश-त्रिकोनेश योगफल
- नक्षत्र एवं उनके प्रकार
- नक्षत्र एवं उनके प्रकार-1
- नक्षत्र व् नक्षत्र फल
- ग्रह दशा एवं उनके प्रकार
- मांगलिक दोष व् उपाय
- शनि साढ़ेसाती व् उपाय
- कालसर्प दोष व् उपाय
- गंडांत/खराब समय समय
- पंचांग एवं उसके घटक - 1
- पंचांग एवं उसके घटक - 2
- पंचांग एवं उसके घटक - 3
- ग्रह रत्न एवं उसके फायदे
- ग्रह मंत्र एवं दान की वस्तुएं
- शुभ मुहूर्त देखना
- वास्तुशास्त्र की ब्याख्या
- वास्तु शिल्पशास्त्र
- वास्तुदेव की विशेषताएँ
- दिशाएँ एवं क्षेत्र
- शिलान्यास का शुभसमय
- भूखंड का चयन करना
- पूजा कक्ष / प्रार्थना कक्ष
- शयन कक्ष (बैड रूम )
- बैठक कक्ष / ड्राइंगरूम
- भोजन कक्ष(डाइनिंग रूम )
- भंडारण कक्ष ( स्टोरेज रूम )
- रसोई (किचिन )
- स्नानागार या स्नान कक्ष
- भूमिगत जल भंडारण
- ओवर हैड टैंक)
- अन्य कमरों का स्थान
- तहखाना / तलघर (बेसमेंट )
- सीढियां या झीना
- भूखंड में पौधों का स्थान
- नवग्रहों का स्थान/प्रभाव
- भवन में द्वार का स्थान
- मकान में द्वारों की संख्या
- शहतीर/स्तम्भ व द्वार वेध
- वास्तु शास्त्र के नियम
- एपार्टमेंट में वास्तु के नियम
- पिरामिड का वास्तु में महत्व
- दुकान/आफिस हेतु वास्तु-1
- दुकान/आफिस हेतु वास्तु-2
- दुकान/आफिस हेतु वास्तु-3
- भवन की सजावट हेतु वास्तु-1
- भवन की सजावट हेतु वास्त-2
- सिनेमा हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- होटल हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- नर्सिंग होम हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- रेस्टोरेन्ट हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- फैक्टरी हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- फैक्टरी हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- पद्दतियाँ अथवा टेबल
- राशि,की टेबल
- जन्मांक,मूलांक,भाग्यांक
- अंक – 1 (एक)
- अंक – 2 (दो)
- अंक – 3 (तीन)
- अंक – 4 (चार)
- अंक – 5 (पांच)
- अंक – 6 (छः)
- अंक –7 (सात)
- अंक – 8 (आठ)
- अंक – 9 (नौ)
- शैलपुत्री
- ब्रह्मचारिणी
- चंद्रघंटा
- कुष्मांडा
- स्कंदमाता
- कात्यायनी
- कालरात्रि
- महागौरी
- सिद्धिदात्री
- गणेशजी की आरती
- शिवजी की आरती
- हनुमान जी की आरती
- श्री कृष्ण जी की आरती
- श्री राम जी की आरती
- सत्यनारायण जी की आरती
- दुर्गा जी की आरती
- लक्ष्मी जी की आरती
- सरस्वती जी की आरती
- अम्बे जी की आरती
- खाटू श्याम जी की आरती
- रामायण जी की आरती
- श्री वैष्णो देवी जी की आरती
- सूर्य देव जी की आरती
- श्री गंगा माता जी की आरती
- भैरव जी की आरती
- श्री रामजी की आरती
- संतोषी माता जी की आरती
- प्रेतराज जी की आरती
- तुलसी माता जी की आरती
- महाकाली माँ की आरती
- श्री विष्णु देव जी की आरती
- श्री शनि देव जी की आरती
- शीतला माता जी की आरती
- श्रीमद भागवत पुराण की आरती
- गुरु गोरखनाथ जी की आरती
- श्री परशुराम जी की आरती
- श्री गिरिराज जी की आरती
- श्री पितृदेव जी की आरती
- श्री रामदेव जी की आरती
- मूलाधार चक्र
- स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र
- मणिपुर चक्र
- अनाहत चक्र
- विशुद्ध चक्र
- आज्ञा चक्र
- सहस्त्रार चक्र
- कुण्डलिनी शक्ति जाग्रत करने के लाभ
ज्योतिष शास्त्र
वास्तु शास्त्र
अंक शास्त्र
देवियाँ (नवदुर्गा)
कुण्डलिनी शक्ति
- Zodiac
- Signs
- Planets/Grahas
- House/Bhava/Place
- Gender
- Nakshatra
- Nature and effects of Nakshatra
- Nature and effects of Nakshatra-2
- Nature and effects of Nakshatra-3
- Lagna/Ascendant
- Nature and Effects of Lagna
- Resultant and Relationship in Planets
- Definition and types of Houses
- The effect of planets in the twelve houses
- The effect of planets in the twelve houses-2
- The effect of planets in the twelve houses-3
- Importance of House position
- Dasha/Period
- How to pridict using dashas
- General principles
- Key Planets
- Vargas
- Ashtakavarga
- Sudarshan Chakra
- Combination of Dashas and Transits
- Argala
- Healing power of Gem Stones
- Introduction of Panchang
- Soil And Land
- The Position of Plot/Land
- Roads and out side of building /house
- Direction of the plot
- Trees and plants
- The Basic and important point for house
- Roof, Balconies and Verandahas
- Over head water tank
- Worship/Pooja Room/Tample
- Store room
- Parking
- Open space
- Basement
- Kitchen
- Underground water tank
- Entrance Gate
- Guest room
- Living Room
- Bedroom
- Computor room
- Safe Room
- Dinning Room
- Bathroom or Toilet
- Study Room
- Stairways
- Generator room
- Upper Floor Height
- Vastu and astrology & position of rooms
- Important Vastu Rules
- Importance of main Gate
- Effect of colours in house
- Interior colour scheme in our House
- Importance of Pyramid in Vastu
- Number and their Properties
- Birth and Destiny Number
- Number-One(1)
- Number-Two(2)
- Number-Three(3)
- Number-Four(4)
- Number-Five(5)
- Number-Six(6)
- Number-Seven(7)
- Number-Eight(8)
- Number-Nine(9)
- Shailputri devi
- Brahmacharini devi
- Chandraganta devi
- Kushmanda devi
- Skandamata devi
- Katyayani devi
- Kaalratri devi
- Mahagauri devi
- Siddhidatri devi
- Kundalini Shakti
- Kundalini Shakti
- Mooladhar Chakra
- Swadhisthan Chakra
- Manipur Chakra
- Anahat Chakra
- Vishuddha Chakra
- Aggya Chakra
- Sahastrara Chakra
- Body Organs to Activate
Kundalini Shakti - Precautions for Yogi
- Yoga to Awakening of
Kundalini Shakti - Yoga sutras to achieve
self–realization - Ashans and Mudras
- Padamashan and Sukhashan
- Sarvang Aashan
- Hal Aashan
- Matsya Aashan
- Paschimottan Aashan
- Ardh Matsyendra Aashan
- Vajra Aashan
- Bhujang Aashan
- Dhanur Aashan
- Merudand Aashan
- Shav aashan
- Jalneti kriya
- Mudras and Bandhas
- Useful Instructions
for Pranayam - Bandhas in Pranayam
- Pranayama for awakening
of Kundalini - Nadi-Suddhi Pranayam
- Surya Namaskaras
- Kundalini shakti blessing
us Eight Major Siddhis - Comfortable Pranayam
- The Pranic Healing
Pranayama(Reiki) - Distant pranic
Healing(Reiki) - General Benefits
of Pranayama - Bhastrika Pranayama
- Ujjayi Pranayama and
Plavini Pranayama - Suryabhedi Pranayama &
Jalandhara Bandha - Khechari Mudra
- Shakti Chalana Mudra
and Jyoti Mudra - Useful Exercises
for health - Some Sub-Pranas Are
Working In Our
Living Body - Maha Mudra &
Maha Bandha - Purifiction of physical
Body, Nadi, Mind
& intellects - The Minor Siddhi or Riddhi
Navdurga devi
Kundalini Shakti