Shiva :
Shiva , the universal God as Destroyer or( Recreator,) or Controller of Death in Universe is the Third Lord of the omnipotent trinity(Trimurti) of Hindu gods .
According to ancient period or Puranic period The Shiva is the one of self created deity in the trinity ( Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh,). Shiva is a yogi who has notice of everything what happens in the world and is the main aspect of life. Yet one with great power, he lives a life of a sage at Mount Kailash in Himalaya.In the shaiva tradition of Hinduism, Shiva is the Supreme God and has five important works: creator, preserver, destroyer, concealer, and revealer. The shiva is the father of lord Ganesh and lord kartikeya. His consort is parvati, goddess of Shakti, courage, and bravery .
He is a benefic deity . Shiva was a wanderer, meditating in the cold heights of the Himalayas and at times descending on earth . His meditative prowess is immense, resulting in physical strength and enpowering him with miraculous powers as a fertility god .Shiva is worshipped in the form of a linga and yoni , both organs of pleasure and procreation . This symbolises the link between the worlds, where life manifests itself and the where the spirit becomes incarnate . Shiva ‘ vehicle is Nandi the bull, who epitomises the pervasion of intuition over the rational mind .
Thus Shiva manifested himself as the destroyer and that is the attribute always attached to him . Since all matter must decay, Shiva was not only the destroyer, but assumed the form of a recreator, manifesting all forms of creation again . Death is thus a transforming channel leading to a new life . He is also considered to be Rudra , the Vedic god of storms, winds and death . He is the personification of the unrestrained power causing disaster and disarray .
Though Shiva is Rudra , the fearsome, there is a compassionate side to him also . He is gracious enough to acknowledge his impulsive acts . He is benevolent and freely bestows boons . He is the lord of sleep and so a remover of pain, since sleep dilutes pain .
He is usually depicted sitting in meditation, his locks matted on top of his head with a crescent moon decorating it . His famous third eye adorns the center of his forehead, a serpent is coiled around his neck and his weapon is a trident(Trishool) . He is a fair man, his body covered with ashes and the perfect image of a sage in pensive concentration . His eyes represent the sun, the moon and fire and his vision transcends time . The third inward looking eye can destroys everything when it is turned outwards or open . Each yuga or period comes to an end when Shiva opens his third eye . This same eye also saves the world when required . His ornaments are snakes and skulls . The snakes stand for death and skull for the passing of time . His trident or Trishul represents the Satwa, Rajas and Tamas aspects of nature, symbolizing his role as Creator, Preserver and Destroyer . It emits lightning as Shiva , the god of storms punishes wrong doers with his zeal for righteousness . His bow Pinaka made of a serpent with seven heads helps the gods in time of need . His tiger skin robe gives him the image of power and his drum makes him Nataraja , the god of dance . He dances out of sheer joy in anger or sorrow . This is called his Tandava dance . The Dwadash or twelve Jyotirlinga in India and one is in Nepal which names are 1. Kashi vishwanath 2. Mahakaleshwar 3. Omkareshwar 4. Somnath 5. Nageshwar 6. Triyambkeshwar 7. Grishneshwar or Ghushmeshwar 8 Bhimashankar 9. Mallikarjuna 10. Rameshwaram 11. Vaidhnath 12. Kedarnath + pashupatinath .The shiva is known as many names like Mahesh, Rudra, Mahakaaleshwar, Shankar, Shambhu, etc
- ज्योतिष परिचय
- जन्म कुंडली
- राशियाँ
- मित्र राशि व् शत्रु राशि
- भाव अथवा ग्रह स्थान
- ग्रह व् उनके प्रकार
- ग्रह अवस्था
- ग्रह एवं उनका प्रभाव
- शुभ एवं अशुभ ग्रह
- ग्रहों की स्थिति
- केन्द्रेश-त्रिकोनेश योगफल
- नक्षत्र एवं उनके प्रकार
- नक्षत्र एवं उनके प्रकार-1
- नक्षत्र व् नक्षत्र फल
- ग्रह दशा एवं उनके प्रकार
- मांगलिक दोष व् उपाय
- शनि साढ़ेसाती व् उपाय
- कालसर्प दोष व् उपाय
- गंडांत/खराब समय समय
- पंचांग एवं उसके घटक - 1
- पंचांग एवं उसके घटक - 2
- पंचांग एवं उसके घटक - 3
- ग्रह रत्न एवं उसके फायदे
- ग्रह मंत्र एवं दान की वस्तुएं
- शुभ मुहूर्त देखना
- वास्तुशास्त्र की ब्याख्या
- वास्तु शिल्पशास्त्र
- वास्तुदेव की विशेषताएँ
- दिशाएँ एवं क्षेत्र
- शिलान्यास का शुभसमय
- भूखंड का चयन करना
- पूजा कक्ष / प्रार्थना कक्ष
- शयन कक्ष (बैड रूम )
- बैठक कक्ष / ड्राइंगरूम
- भोजन कक्ष(डाइनिंग रूम )
- भंडारण कक्ष ( स्टोरेज रूम )
- रसोई (किचिन )
- स्नानागार या स्नान कक्ष
- भूमिगत जल भंडारण
- ओवर हैड टैंक)
- अन्य कमरों का स्थान
- तहखाना / तलघर (बेसमेंट )
- सीढियां या झीना
- भूखंड में पौधों का स्थान
- नवग्रहों का स्थान/प्रभाव
- भवन में द्वार का स्थान
- मकान में द्वारों की संख्या
- शहतीर/स्तम्भ व द्वार वेध
- वास्तु शास्त्र के नियम
- एपार्टमेंट में वास्तु के नियम
- पिरामिड का वास्तु में महत्व
- दुकान/आफिस हेतु वास्तु-1
- दुकान/आफिस हेतु वास्तु-2
- दुकान/आफिस हेतु वास्तु-3
- भवन की सजावट हेतु वास्तु-1
- भवन की सजावट हेतु वास्त-2
- सिनेमा हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- होटल हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- नर्सिंग होम हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- रेस्टोरेन्ट हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- फैक्टरी हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- फैक्टरी हेतु वास्तु निर्देश
- पद्दतियाँ अथवा टेबल
- राशि,की टेबल
- जन्मांक,मूलांक,भाग्यांक
- अंक – 1 (एक)
- अंक – 2 (दो)
- अंक – 3 (तीन)
- अंक – 4 (चार)
- अंक – 5 (पांच)
- अंक – 6 (छः)
- अंक –7 (सात)
- अंक – 8 (आठ)
- अंक – 9 (नौ)
- शैलपुत्री
- ब्रह्मचारिणी
- चंद्रघंटा
- कुष्मांडा
- स्कंदमाता
- कात्यायनी
- कालरात्रि
- महागौरी
- सिद्धिदात्री
- गणेशजी की आरती
- शिवजी की आरती
- हनुमान जी की आरती
- श्री कृष्ण जी की आरती
- श्री राम जी की आरती
- सत्यनारायण जी की आरती
- दुर्गा जी की आरती
- लक्ष्मी जी की आरती
- सरस्वती जी की आरती
- अम्बे जी की आरती
- खाटू श्याम जी की आरती
- रामायण जी की आरती
- श्री वैष्णो देवी जी की आरती
- सूर्य देव जी की आरती
- श्री गंगा माता जी की आरती
- भैरव जी की आरती
- श्री रामजी की आरती
- संतोषी माता जी की आरती
- प्रेतराज जी की आरती
- तुलसी माता जी की आरती
- महाकाली माँ की आरती
- श्री विष्णु देव जी की आरती
- श्री शनि देव जी की आरती
- शीतला माता जी की आरती
- श्रीमद भागवत पुराण की आरती
- गुरु गोरखनाथ जी की आरती
- श्री परशुराम जी की आरती
- श्री गिरिराज जी की आरती
- श्री पितृदेव जी की आरती
- श्री रामदेव जी की आरती
- मूलाधार चक्र
- स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र
- मणिपुर चक्र
- अनाहत चक्र
- विशुद्ध चक्र
- आज्ञा चक्र
- सहस्त्रार चक्र
- कुण्डलिनी शक्ति जाग्रत करने के लाभ
ज्योतिष शास्त्र
वास्तु शास्त्र
अंक शास्त्र
देवियाँ (नवदुर्गा)
कुण्डलिनी शक्ति
- Zodiac
- Signs
- Planets/Grahas
- House/Bhava/Place
- Gender
- Nakshatra
- Nature and effects of Nakshatra
- Nature and effects of Nakshatra-2
- Nature and effects of Nakshatra-3
- Lagna/Ascendant
- Nature and Effects of Lagna
- Resultant and Relationship in Planets
- Definition and types of Houses
- The effect of planets in the twelve houses
- The effect of planets in the twelve houses-2
- The effect of planets in the twelve houses-3
- Importance of House position
- Dasha/Period
- How to pridict using dashas
- General principles
- Key Planets
- Vargas
- Ashtakavarga
- Sudarshan Chakra
- Combination of Dashas and Transits
- Argala
- Healing power of Gem Stones
- Introduction of Panchang
- Soil And Land
- The Position of Plot/Land
- Roads and out side of building /house
- Direction of the plot
- Trees and plants
- The Basic and important point for house
- Roof, Balconies and Verandahas
- Over head water tank
- Worship/Pooja Room/Tample
- Store room
- Parking
- Open space
- Basement
- Kitchen
- Underground water tank
- Entrance Gate
- Guest room
- Living Room
- Bedroom
- Computor room
- Safe Room
- Dinning Room
- Bathroom or Toilet
- Study Room
- Stairways
- Generator room
- Upper Floor Height
- Vastu and astrology & position of rooms
- Important Vastu Rules
- Importance of main Gate
- Effect of colours in house
- Interior colour scheme in our House
- Importance of Pyramid in Vastu
- Number and their Properties
- Birth and Destiny Number
- Number-One(1)
- Number-Two(2)
- Number-Three(3)
- Number-Four(4)
- Number-Five(5)
- Number-Six(6)
- Number-Seven(7)
- Number-Eight(8)
- Number-Nine(9)
- Shailputri devi
- Brahmacharini devi
- Chandraganta devi
- Kushmanda devi
- Skandamata devi
- Katyayani devi
- Kaalratri devi
- Mahagauri devi
- Siddhidatri devi
- Kundalini Shakti
- Kundalini Shakti
- Mooladhar Chakra
- Swadhisthan Chakra
- Manipur Chakra
- Anahat Chakra
- Vishuddha Chakra
- Aggya Chakra
- Sahastrara Chakra
- Body Organs to Activate
Kundalini Shakti - Precautions for Yogi
- Yoga to Awakening of
Kundalini Shakti - Yoga sutras to achieve
self–realization - Ashans and Mudras
- Padamashan and Sukhashan
- Sarvang Aashan
- Hal Aashan
- Matsya Aashan
- Paschimottan Aashan
- Ardh Matsyendra Aashan
- Vajra Aashan
- Bhujang Aashan
- Dhanur Aashan
- Merudand Aashan
- Shav aashan
- Jalneti kriya
- Mudras and Bandhas
- Useful Instructions
for Pranayam - Bandhas in Pranayam
- Pranayama for awakening
of Kundalini - Nadi-Suddhi Pranayam
- Surya Namaskaras
- Kundalini shakti blessing
us Eight Major Siddhis - Comfortable Pranayam
- The Pranic Healing
Pranayama(Reiki) - Distant pranic
Healing(Reiki) - General Benefits
of Pranayama - Bhastrika Pranayama
- Ujjayi Pranayama and
Plavini Pranayama - Suryabhedi Pranayama &
Jalandhara Bandha - Khechari Mudra
- Shakti Chalana Mudra
and Jyoti Mudra - Useful Exercises
for health - Some Sub-Pranas Are
Working In Our
Living Body - Maha Mudra &
Maha Bandha - Purifiction of physical
Body, Nadi, Mind
& intellects - The Minor Siddhi or Riddhi
Navdurga devi
Kundalini Shakti
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