
Zodiac circle

The zodiac is not exactly circular but ecliptic since a circle or an ellipse has as computed from the centre 360o. Each of the 12 parts/sectors constitutes 30o, these 12 ,sub-divisions are called signs. Each sub-division has a unique pattern formed by the fixed stars, these fixed stars are called asterisms or nakshatra.
The signs of zodiac are divided into twelve parts of 30o each these twelve signs are named as follows

Sr. No. Sign/Rashi Degree
1 Aries/ Mesha 0° to 30°
2 Taurus/ Vrisha 30° to 60°
3 Gemini/ Mithun 60° to 90°
4 Cancer/ Karka 90° to 120°
5 Leo/ Singha 120° to 150°
6 Virgo/ Kanya 150° to 180°
7 Libra/ Tula 180° to 210°
8 Scorpio/ Vrischiks 210° to 240°
9 Sagittarius/ Dhanu 240° to 270°
10 Capricorn/ Makara 270° to 300°
11 Aquarius/ Kumbha 300° to 330°
12 Pisces/ Meen 330° to 360°

One degree 1° is devided into 60 minutes and 1 minutes is further sub-devided into 60 seconds , so we write 25° 39′ 8″ = 25 degree, 39 minutes and 8 second. At the time of birth, each Graha will be found in one of the twelve Rashis. The Rashi will have a great impact on the condition of the Graha (favorable or unfavorable), as well as its unique qualities. The Rashis are based on the position of the actual stars. If one compares the nine Grahas to lights that radiate according to our level of awareness in the areas of life explained above, then the Rashis would be like the lamps the lights shine in. The color, shape and qualities of the lamp will have a significant impact on the light inside it, and could help the light get more focused and useful.
Mesha Rashi /Aries : The first Rashi is Mesha /Aries. “The complexion of Aries is blood-red. It has a prominent (big) body. It is a quadruped sign and strong during the night. It denotes courage. It resides in the East, and is related to kings. It wanders in the hills and it’s predominant guna is Rajasic. It rises with it’s back and is fiery. It’s ruler is Mangal”. Mesha is ruled by Mars which represents strength, and is a male and movable sign. Mesha represents the head of the kalapurusha. Mesha has a great ability to mobilize energy, to apply strength with agility and mobility. The symbol of Mesha is a ram. A Ram is a fiery, strong, mobile, headstrong animal, that captures the spirit of Mesha.
Vrishabha Rashi /Taurus : The second sign is Vrishabha /Taurus. It’s complexion is white, and is lorded by Venus. It is long and is a quadruped sign. It has strength at night and resides in the South. It represents villages and businessmen. It is an earthy sign and rises with it’s back. Vrishabha is ruled by Venus, the Graha for comfort and enjoyments. Vrishabha is a fixed, earthy and female sign. Altogether it represents a very steady and grounded quality, attracted to material values and comforts. It combines very sturdy qualities with harmonious relations. The symbol of Vrishabh is a bull, and is descriptive of it’s qualities. Cows are peaceful and do not move around a lot. They have prominent necks and prefer the comfort of the meadow above rocky or uneven terrains. They stick together in a herd.
Mithuna Rashi/Gemini : The third sign is Mithuna/ Gemini. It rises with its head and represents a male and a female holding a mace and lute. It lives in the west and is an airy rashi. It is a biped rashi as well and is strong during the nights. It lives in villages and is windy in temperament. It has an even body with a green hue like the color of grass. Its ruler is Buddha. Budha is the ruler. Mithuna is a dual sign, airy and male. Mercury’s significations of speech and intellect turn particularly mental in this sign, due to the element of air. The property of dual adds the capacity to always see two sides of any issue, allowing for great mediating skills on one hand, but indecisiveness on the other. Since dual signs are partly movable and partly fixed, they provide an adaptable quality. Budha greatly emphasises this quality, and the combination gives great ability to deal and communicate with all sorts of people. The symbol of Mithuna is a couple, holding a mace and a flute. The couple symbolizes communication and interaction, and the objects held indicate multi talents. People with a prominent Mithuna in their chart will be very mental, love to analyze and scrutinize, can think of the pros and cons of anything.
Karka Rashi /Cancer : The 4th sign is Karka /Cancer. It is pale red. It relates to forests and represents Brahmins. It is strong during the nights. It has many feet (i.e. it is a centipede rashi) and has a bulky body. It is Sattvic in disposition (seen in gods) and it is a watery rashi. It rises with its back and is ruled by Chandra. Chandra is the ruler, and Karka is a movable, watery and female sign. Chandra is a significator for water anyways, so Karka is highly associated with water and the characteristics of water. It is nurturing, supportive, sensitive and emotional.The symbol of Karka is a crab, a water based animal that is always on the go looking for food. The symbolism of the large scissors of the crab seem inappropriate for Karka.
Simha Rashi /Leo : The 5th sign is Simha /Leo. It is ruled by Surya and is Sattvic. It is a quadruped and a royal rashi. It relates to forests and rises with its head. It has a large, white body. It resides in the east and is strong during daytime. Surya (the Sun) is the ruler and Simha is a fixed, fire, male sign. The Sun is a fiery Graha, so Simha is very fiery indeed. Add to that the male quality, and the sign’s symbol of a Lion makes a lot of sense. Surya represents the king, and the lion is called the king of the animal kingdom.
Kanya Rashi /Virgo : The 6th sign is Kanya /Virgo. It is a resident of the hills, and is strong in daytime. It rises with its head and has a medium build. It is a biped rashi and resides in the south. It has grains and fire in its hands. It belongs to the business community and is variegated. It relates to hurricanes.It is a Virgin and is Tamasic (a disposition of demons). Its ruler is Buddha. Budha (Mercury) is the ruler and Kanya is a dual, earthy female sign. As compared to Mithuna, Budha’s qualities manifest very differently in an Earthy sign, as the excellent discriminative qualities of Budha are expressed in a more physical form. The result is an unsurpassed eye for details in practical matters. Budha is a neuter Graha, and Kanya is female, causing a rather tender combination. The symbol for Kanya is a young woman, standing in a boat, holding wheat (or corn) and fire. This image symbolizes an industrious but homely quality. Just like in the case of Mithuna (Gemini) the dual quality of the sign is reflected by having opposite elements in the symbol.
Tula Rashi/Libra : The 7th sign is Tula/ Libra. It is a Seershodaya rashi rising with its head; Tula is strong during daytime. It is black in complexion and is predominant with Rajo guna. It relates to the western direction and resorts to land. It is destructive or mischievous .It represents Sudras or the 4th Varna. It has a medium build physique and is a biped rashi. Its lord is Shukra. Shukra (Venus) is the ruler and Tula is a movable, airy and male sign. Shukra is the graha for harmony and grace, and in this airy sign these qualities get expressed in more abstract forms. The symbol of Tula is a man holding scales, symbolizing an innate affinity with considering balance, proper relations and the harmonious exchange of things.
Vrischika Rashi /Scorpio : The 8th sign is Vrischika /Scorpio. It has a slender physique and is a centipede rashi. It denotes Brahmins and resides in holes. Its direction is north and is strong during daytime. It is reddish brown and relates to water and land. It has a hairy physique and is very sharp (or passionate). Mangal is its ruler. Mangal /Mars is the ruler and Vrischika is a fixed, watery and female sign. The Mangal that made Mesha (Aries) so enterprising and energetic, plays a much more defensive and protective role here. It is defending its delicate watery/female core. The symbol choosen for this sign is the Scorpion, an animal that is known for its ability to defend itself.
Dhanu Rashi /Sagittarius : The 9th sign is Dhanu /Sagittarius. It rises with its head and is lorded by Guru. It is a Sattvic rashi and is tawny in hue. It has strength in the night and is fiery. A royal rashi, Dhanu is biped in the first half. Its second half is quadruped. It has an even build and bears an arch. It resides in the east, relates to land and is splendid. Guru (Jupiter) is the ruler and Dhanu is dual, fiery and male. Guru is the Graha for knowledge and expansion. In a male and fiery sign, these qualities turn ambitious and enterprising.The dual quality is found in it’s symbol: a creature that is half horse, half archer. Guru is connected to the element of space, and the bow and arrow symbolizes the sign’s affinity with crossing spaces, and reaching out into new territories.
Makara Rashi /Capricorn : The 10th sign is Makara/ Capricorn. It has Shani as the lord and has predominance of Tamo guna (a disposition seen in demons). It is an earthy rashi and represents the southern direction. It is strong at night, and rises from the back. It has a large body. Its complexion is variegated and it resorts to both forests and lands. Its first half is quadruped and its second half moves in water, without a foot .Shani /Saturn is the ruler and Makara is movable, earthy, and female. Shani has qualities of patience, endurance and slow but steady progress. The movable side of Makara is contrasting mobile as compared to Shani. The symbol of the sign is a crocodile with the upper body of a goat. The crocodile part stands for the patience and endurance, and the goat part grafted on top of it stands for the mobility, and the somewhat stubborn nature of the sign.
Kumbha Rashi /Aquarius : The 11th sign is Kumbha /Aquarius. It represents a man holding a pot. Its complexion is deep brown. It has a medium build and is a biped rashi. It is very strong during daytime. It relates to deep water and is airy. It rises with its head and is Tamasic. It rules Sudras, the 4th Varna, and the west. Its lord is Shani, Surya’s offspring. Shani /Saturn is the ruler, and Kumbha is fixed, airy and male. Shani’s slow and deep qualities are not directed to physical causes like in Makara, instead it has a mental and philosophical slant, capable of deep thought. The symbol is a man holding a water pitcher. Holding a water pitcher without dropping it requires steady concentration and fixity of purpose, both qualities of this sign.
Meena Rashi /Pisces : The 12th sign is Meena /Pisces. It resembles a pair of fish, one tailed with the head of the other. This rashi is strong at night. It is a watery rashi and is predominant with Sattwa guna. It denotes resoluteness and is related to water. It does not have a foot and has a medium build. It rules the north and rises with both head and back. It is ruled by Guru. Guru (Jupiter) is the ruler, and Meena is a dual, watery and female sign. Jupiter’s expansive qualities combined with the element of water, gives an association with large bodies of water. The symbol is a pair of fish, swimming in opposite directions. The fish is characteristic of opposite directions contained within one quiet body of water.